Thursday, April 12, 2007

Review: DiscipleLand

Review of DiscipleLand

First the "Core Bible Curriculum"

+++ Kid colorful handout sheets actually involve USING BIBLES to answer questions rather than, you know, word searches or something.
++ Handout also includes encouragement to memorize books of the Bible
++++ Handout has a full page WRITING ASSIGNMENT.
++ Suggests singing songs that are, if I'm not mistaken actual hymns!
++ Teaches historical context (in a lesson on Stephen's martyrdom, it actually recommends bringing in a basket of fist-sized stones to give the kids some idea of the persecution members of the early church faced).

Overall: I like. I might even consider recommending this curriculum to our Education committee. At least it focuses on the Bible, which is something you want in a Sunday school curriculum. I'm curious as to whether there is an denominational affiliation going on here. Said committee can be kind of fussy about that, and I can be awfully oblivious.

OK, let's check out their other product: The Adventure series.

Wow, was this even written by the same PEOPLE?
- campy cartoon children
-- using a "decoder" to solve a puzzle, rather than the Bible.
-- a word search!!! My eyes!!!
----- Class consists of...doing a worksheet together? Wait, seriously?

Overall: Huh? I wouldn't teach from this curriculum if you paid me. And you can't afford to anyway. How is this even from the same publisher as the other one?

Completely bizarre.

Writing these reviews makes me feel like the lady from the (now defunct) Ugly Wedding Dress of the Day website. Does anyone remember that site? I only wish that my copy were as good as hers...and my visual aids so hi-larious.

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