Saturday, April 14, 2007

Review: Gospel Light

Review of the Network 34 curriculum from Gospel Light:

++ in-depth coverage of Biblical themes (like, a whole quarter on the life of Joshua)
- Refers to the Levant as "Bible lands." Not to be a snob, but...just sayin'.
+ Uses graphic organizers to help students understand Biblical text.
- involves songs with hand motions. These songs are not the hymns you're likely to encounter in morning worship, therefore they don't help kids prepare to become adults in our church community. Plus, my kids don't sing. They especially don't sing songs that require hand motions. Ever.
++ Uses maps.
--Pretty slim Bible time to Popsicle-stick-crafts ratio.
+ Kids' take-home activity sheets include questions that require them to open their Bibles.
- Said take-home activity sheets also include a recipe for some sort of frozen yogurt/banana snack. Which has what to do with the lesson? Or anything else, for that matter?
-- Denny's kids' menu style games--mazes and such.
+ Hand out includes a cartoon rendering of the Bible story. That's kind of cute.

Over all...well, I'm not incredibly impressed. I feel like this is the least Sunday school curriculum could do, right?

And now I have that hymn about "send the light, the blessed gospel light" etc. stuck in my head.

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