Monday, June 18, 2007


Last night, we had a meeting of the education committee. After much discussion, I presented the reviews I've done of several curricula, and recommended that we pursue the DiscipleLand Core Bible Curriculum and Bible Study Guide (thank you, Al, for telling me that they were still in print and development!). The only issue is that BSG doesn't go below 3 years old, and DLCBC doesn't go below 2. Apparently our church buys curriculum for the cradle roll class. Does anyone have a recommendation for the cradle roll curriculum? We basically decided we could use a different one for the babies than for everyone else.

So, I'm working on getting samples of those curricula and with any luck, we'll have a decision in time for the fall quarter.

It's funny--NO ONE in that meeting liked the 21st Century stuff. NONE of the teachers thought the kids were learning anything.

Pat, who is pretty much in charge of the ed committee, said that she thought the best curriculum she had ever seen was the Bible Study Guide. I agree--but if she thought it was the best, if she knew what great curriculum looked like, why were we paying for 21st Century all this time? WHY?

Anyway, both of the options that I recommended were head and shoulders above any of the others I looked at, or that the church had used. Everyone agreed that I should get samples for all ages and have the teachers take a look and make a decision. The great thing is, I don't really care which way they choose. They can pick either one, and it would be a good choice.

I'm just happy I've finally levered the boulder a bit...maybe it will move under its own momentum now.

1 comment:

Phil said...


I just thought I'd leave you a note to say how much I enjoy your blog. It's funny, because we don't have very much in common and I don't generally read stranger's weblogs for no reason, but listening to your experiences trying to reform your religious education program from the inside is fascinating. I'm in my third year of college and i'm seriously considering pursuing a Masters degree and becoming a teacher, but there's certainly tons of real-life-non-internet books on pedagogy I could read--I guess I just find something about your blog fascinating, even though I'm not religious at all. Just thought I'd let you know that you're doing good stuff.